Burst of Colours (SoS)

Devil's Punch Bowl Cross Overlooking the Hamilton arbor - standing tall against all odds.

Some Measure of Castigation

Idiosynchronistictelepathy: The Cosmic Jive

Pastel Morning, Kelson Beach Groynes

Upper Beamer Falls, Grimsby, ON

Comet NEOWISE Over Toronto

Early Morning, Garage, 435 Maple

Winter Dawn, Fifty Point Beach

Hostas – After The Frost

Sk8 Park Graffiti Panel: Yellow & Green

Shaft Of Sunlight Hitting Red Wall

Dead Tree Off Gibson Point

Sk8 Park Graffiti Panel: Yellow, Orange, Maroon

Boarded-Up Window In The Red Wall

Straight-on View of Lower Punchbowl Falls in Spring, Stoney Creek section of Hamilton

Checking For Messages

Fifty Point Sunrise

Tree & Vineyard In Winter, Cherry Ave

Upper Beamer Falls, Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, Grimsby, ON

Toronto Skyline

Sunrise Over 50 Point

Good For The Soul

Can We Pull Over, Just For A Second?

Icy Sunset, Fifty Point Grimsby Ontario

Path on the Escarpment-

Icy Winter Pier

The Fence Line

The Ticking Universe-

Beamer Falls Panorama

Tree Under the Escarpment on a Misty Eve. No.2

Grimsby Winter Lakeshore #2

If a Tree Falls in the Forest

Fifty Point at Sunset No,2

Ripples at Sunset-

Nightfall on Lake Ontario

Closed For the Season

Toronto Sunrise

Wind and Waves

Icy Groynes

In The Gloaming

Wash Away the Leaves