St. John's Church

Looking up

autumn impression

Sunset my uncle captured near downtown Richmond last week. My edit.

Winter in the Country: A Cold Morning, Durrie

Old City Hall, Richmond Virginia

Sunrise on the Canal

The Flip Side

James River Flow - Detail

Rail Cathedral


The Carillon rear view c 1928 in Byrd Park - Richmond, VA

Quince Blossoms, 1878, Charles Caryl Coleman

The Square Apartments

Richmond from below the 9th street bridge

Holiday Lights, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

Jan Brueghel the Elder - Extensive Landscape with View of the Castle of Mariemont, 1611 at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) Richmond VA

iced in


The Bottom

A bridge over a bridge, over not so troubled waters.

Richmond Virginia

The Lost Boys #MyFavoriteMovieScene

Richmond Reflections

Italian Garden Waterfall @ Maymont Park - Richmond, VA

RVA Gray Day


Golden Arches

City Of Fire


Got Lightning?

Sunset Bridge

Light Pattern


Raoul Dufy - Landscape, Villerville, 1930 at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) Richmond VA


Maymont Park - Japanese Garden

iOS landscape test


American Elm

Morning Sunshine