Leheup Hill, Dade City, Florida, USA / Elevation: 240+ / Latitude, Longitude: 28.3136157°, -82.2009174°

Gray-green Clubtail (female)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Crystal Springs Preserve

Crystal Springs Preserve

Crystal Springs Preserve

26x26 #3 - Bug's eye view of a pea hen.jpg

Crystal Springs Preserve

SX-70 New Film

SX-70 Alpha 1 fail?

In My Dreams

Jeffries House, Zephyrhills

1954 Chevrolet Corvette

My very first picture to reach 1,000 views yippee!!

Mint 2 Flash Finally Got It Right With SX-70 Alpha 1

Caution Grotto - 26x26 Challenge #5 - Be Inspired to be brave jpg

Orange Groves


Hillsborough River Gator

Slender Baskettail (male)- Conner Preserve

Red Saddlebags (male)- Conner Preserve

Termite Mobile Diner

Wesley Chapel, Pasco County, Greater Tampa Bay FL

Lower Path

Golden-winged Skimmer (male)- Conner Preserve

Hillsborough River Rapids

River Reflections

Hillsborough River Rapids

Hillsborough River

Path Metaphor

Faerie River

Hollow Cypress

[Group 1]-DSC_1487_DSC_1495-9 images.jpg

Roseate Skimmer (immature male)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Thanksgiving Sunset

Let the sun shine

Carl Bax

Freedom of Assembly
