Fifth Lake Rainbow

view from dock

Cute puppy! (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)

This evening's view from the Wilderness Queen.

Rhinelander, WI-photographer unknown

north woods autumn drive

Portrait of Ellis

Evening Rainbow

White Seahorse

afternoon lake

Double Rainbow forming

Ian on the Float boat - Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Roundhouse south view Rhinelander 13 Aug 12

Roundhouse foundation, Rhinelander 13 Aug 12

Roundhouse from Freight station location Rhinelander 13 Aug 12

Roundhouse front view Rhinelander 13 Aug 12

Roundhouse north view Rhinelander 13 Aug 12

First National Bank (1910) by Purcell and Elmslie

View From The Parking Lot Shuttle, Approaching The 2005 Oneida County Fair Midway.

Spring Warmth

Diamonds in the Rough

#reflection #water #landscape #takeahike #autumn #fall #outdoors #explorewi #exploremore #neverstopexploring #getoutside #riverfront #river #oneidacounty #Rhinelander #discoverwisconsin #Wisconsin #wicounties #stillwaterrunsdeep #pelicanriver #hiking #oct

Labyrinth amidst the hardwood forest

Autumn at the Labyrinth

Approaching the labyrinth

Camera at the Ready

Rx at Sunrise

Franklin's Summer Vacation

Atlantis Fritillary butterfly

Hat Rapids Dam

Wisconsin Northwoods

Greens and Golds

Wisconsin Sunset-3

Wisconsin Sunset-5

Wisconsin Sunset-7

Dollar Lake

across the lake

Wisconsin Sunset

Oneida County Sunset

Here comes the sun

Still Lake

sunrise on the lake