The Judge's View; World Food Championships Blogger Summit, Orange Beach, Ala., Nov. 7 - 9, 2016

Egert in a Tree

Alternative Shopping..

Green thing

Tanger Outlets in Foley, AL

Closer ferris wheel view

Outside view

Inside Lulu's with a view of the intercoastal canal

View from Hazel's in Orange Beach

The Judge's View; World Food Championships Blogger Summit, Orange Beach, Ala., Nov. 7 - 9, 2016

Another view #Hipstamatic #Yoona #Blanko일

The Judge's View; World Food Championships Blogger Summit, Orange Beach, Ala., Nov. 7 - 9, 2016

The Judge's View; World Food Championships Blogger Summit, Orange Beach, Ala., Nov. 7 - 9, 2016

Thanksgiving 2008 - Little TV viewing as well as visiting at bar

Got geared up, including the must-have cache supply bag

2010_1123 470.. Aerial view of a smaller alligator

Public View

Weeks Bay

Weeks Bay view from tower

general view

Closeup view of the ferris wheel from Johnny Rockets

White-top Pitcher Plants

We have these beautiful cotton like flowers growing everywhere. They smell like paprika which is quite a surprise when standing in a field of them.

Getting late


Society Garlic

Fishing on the Bon Secur

Bon Secour River

Alabama Dirt Road

Butterfly Weed

Wetlands near Weeks Bay, Alabama.

A Thousand Ways to Shoot the Sunset

Boats, Billy's, Sunset

Black Eyed Susan

Down the Red Dirt Road

Fish River, Alabama

Wildflower 5 (Blackberry)

Weeks Bay Reserve, Alabama

Bon Secour, Alabama

Into the Unknown

Harvesting Peanuts

dock of the bay