In the rear view mirror

The Pole Dance Champion!!

Elementary, Watson!

Land snail, Cepaea sp.

Rachel Starr

Cammy cosplay

Close of Day

Giant Resin Bee


Neoscona crucifera mating

"Bug's eye view"

Victory Place - East Brunswick, NJ.

Amtrak High Speed

Pale Beauty

The Passion

7764 Newborn Promethea Moth

Dads first view of his daughter's dress!

Dusk at Cheesequake

Platform Stairs

Grape Leaffolder/Leafroller

Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly

Blue Hour

Rocks and Trees

Sunset and Calm Seas


Bright Sunrise

Beaver Work

Many Color Sunrise

South River Dawn

Insane Sunrise

Parchment Sky

Elks Pine Woods

Forest interior

Odd Sunrise

Lone Misty Tree

From Dark to Light

Rainstorm Sunset

Wild Sunset Glow

Meanwhile some where on the #eastcoast #goodmorning
