Trumpeter Swan-Reardan, WA-3-3-2012

Swans-Reardan, WA-3-3-2012

Trumpeter Swan-Reardan, WA-3-3-2012

Cinammon Teal-Reardan, WA-3-14-2013

Tundra Swan-Reardan, WA-3-3-2012

Ross's Goose-Reardan, WA-05-15-2011

Immature Trumpeter Swan-Reardan, WA-3-3-2012

Snow Goose-Reardan, WA-5-7-2013

Fertile Groud of the Palouse Region of Eastern Washington

As Far As Your Eyes Can See

Along US-2, WA

Marsh Wren

State Rainbow 231

Battle of Deep Creek-7862-Edit.jpg

Battle of Deep Creek-7805-Edit.jpg

Deep Creek 2013-0284.jpg

2013-08-07 TRC - 0002

Short Eared Owl

Wheat field

Wheeler Corner, Washington

Wheat Fields in Spokane, WA

Near Edwall, Washington

2013-08-07 TRC - 0003

Near Edwall, Washington

2013-08-07 TRC - 0001

Wheeler Corner, Washington

Eleanor, Washington

Battle of Deep Creek-8043-Edit.jpg

Deep Creek 2013-0526.jpg