The Passenger

Western Wood-Pewee

Governor Gregoire

IMG_1103 Female Brewers Blackbird

IMG_6349 Northern Shrike - Lanius excubitor

Noisy Hayride

IMG_1096 Male Brewers Blackbird

View from Entrance

The Mummy Lives!




IMG_9944 Common Ravens

IMG_9968 Western Scrub Jay - Aphelocoma californica immanis

IMG_7384 Camas meadow - Oakville Wash

IMG_7392. Western Scrub-jays - Aphelocoma californica

IMG_8182 Mima Mounds

IMG_7419 Case Road Wetland


IMG_7252 Scatter Creek Prairie

My new job

Mima Mounds

Overhanging Trees, Cedar Creek, Capital State Forest, Washington, 2015

Winter Pond at Sunrise

fall 005

Daisies and Hay

Sydney, New South Wales. Australia.

Disappearing Dozer

A Single Mima Mound

Bordeaux Washington ghost town ruin 101914 (96)_34CNX-D


fall 004


Forest Along Cedar Creek, Capital State Forest, Washington, 2015

Spring time's here.

Cedar Creek, Capital State Forest, Washington, 2015

Forest Abstract, Capital State Forest, Washington, 2015

Across the Way - Project 365, Day 26

Trees on the Edge

Mima Mounds

Mima Mounds