Connellsville Pennsylvania, Yough River railroad bridge

Bluehole Falls

Over The River And Through The Woods

Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It's in our hands. - Cathy Better

Off into the distance.......

Ohiopyle SP ~ view from the rail trail bridge

Cucumber Falls

Where the river flows....

Youghiogheny River

Happy or Sad

Falling Water

Central Bank in Dunbar Pa.

Fallingwater Oct 2014-001

Rt. 51 MINI-MART (Fayette School)

Fort Necessity at "sunset"

Fallingwater Oct 2014-008

Fisheye view of the area where Cucumber Falls is located at in Ohiopyle State Park HDR

A fisheye view from behind Cucumber Falls at Ohiopyle State Park in the fall HDR

View of Living room balcony, Fallingwater

View looking up stream from Flatrock at Ohiopyle State Park in the winter

PA - Mill Run: Fallingwater - Dressing Room

Cucumber Falls

Behind Cucumber Falls

Meadow Run at Ohiopyle 4197

Cucumber Falls -- Ohiopyle State Park

Cucumber Falls Autumn

Autumn at Cucumber Falls at Ohiopyle State Park


Cucumber Falls


Forest Creek

Cucumber Falls

Forest Falls

Cucumber Falls

Lost in the Woods

Jonathan Run Falls

Robinson Falls 4221b

Cucumber Falls Day Hike

Cucumber Falls

Cucumber Falls