A Florida Hay field. (Campo de Heno).

Stormy Destination- Explore #212

Lake Ashby Cypresses. (Ciprés en el lago).

Got Woody?

Lake Ashby on SFX. (Lago en SFX).

Cool night view at #sugarmill #country club #newsmyrnabeach really cool #nightsky

Good day, sunshine! 32° here in NSB. Time to warm things up a bit.

South Causeway - New Smyrna Beach, Florida

My Back Yard

Sunshine State

Gators Eye View

NewSmyrnaBeach FECYard

I love the view of Spanish moss in the morning

Sitting at the Dock

Hibiscus Pink Blossom

Yellow Flower Bush

Front View

IMG_3422 (2)

Sunsets and Fairways View from Entrance

View of Courtyard from Living Room

12V On / Off Switch

Boardwalk to the Light. (Pasarela a la Luz).

Four-spotted Pennant (Brachymesia gravida)

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. #storm #nsb #beach #saltlife #liveauthentic #wanderlust #newsmyrnabeach #beautiful #photography #instatraveling #photooftheday #droid #pic #phone

New Smyrna Beach , Florida #htconem8 #Florida

#sunrise #dodaytona #daytonabeach #daytonarising #hallconstruction

port orange beach / florida

VSCO Cam 1.0

Too Soon To Know

This is how I start my mornings

Too Soon To Know

sand hill cranes

sand hill cranes

florida oak tree, leaves, trunk, lichen, Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, Nikon D40, Sigma 18-50mm EX DC MACRO, 2.4.17

Quercus laurifolia


Wand Goldenrod (Solidago stricta)

LeFils Ranch
