Panoramic of Mount Rainier

Rear view mirror

Great Room

Hen Redhead in flock of Ring-necked Ducks and wigeon

Easy riders

IMG_3334 Doc Shot - Female Redhead - Aythya americana

2015-07-19 View of Mount Rainier

IMG_9970 Rocky Prairie Natural Area

IMG_1206 Barn Swallow fledglings

Returning Sunset

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving"

IMG_1055 Western Wood Pewee

My favorite tree

Tenino WWTP, bioreactor tankage

Olympia Lacey Centennial: Amtrak Station ( 2 Views )

Tenino MBR Permeate Pump

Zuni at Wolf Haven International

Wolf Haven International


Tenino WWTP, north side view

Tenino WWTP MBR CIP System

Mt Rainier at trails end

Old Road

Road through snowy forest

Deschutes River

Sky Shadow

Mt Rainier B&W

Deschutes River with Snow

Island and Cattails

Sunrise, Lawrence lake and Mt Rainier

Pipeline creek

Sunrise at the forest edge

Beaver Dam

Calm before the storm

Lawrence Lake West

Mt Rainier pano

Smith Prairie

Mt Rainier at Lawrence Lake

Sunrise in tall firs

Mt Rainier 3-24