Rabaul, PNG

Rabaul, PNG

20190408_9394 Tunnel made by the Japanese at Rabaul

20190408_9395 Tunnel dug by the Japanese at Rabaul

20190408_9398 street in Rabaul

20190408_9397 street in Rabaul

20190408_9392 hills around Rabaul PNG

20190408_9393 three volcanoes at Rabaul

20190408_9379 Queen Elizabeth at Rabaul

20190408_9378 Mount Tavurvur from its observatory

20190408_9380 crater of Mt Tavurvur in Papua New Guinea

20190408_101434 Rabaul caldera

Man Digging To Find Megapode Birds Eggs In Tavurvur Volcano Sands, Rabaul, New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea

20190408_101448 Rabaul landscape

Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea 112

20190408_9415 Mt Tavurvur hot springs at Rabaul

Rabaul, PNG

Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea 107

Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea 103

20190408_9411 toilets at the volcano hot springs market

20190408_9463 abandoned ship at Rabaul

20190408_9417 rocks at the Mt Tavurvur hot springs at Rabaul

20190408_9417 Mt Tavurvur hot springs at Rabaul

20190408_9464 volcanic landscape at Rabaul

20190408_9462 volcanos at Rabaul

Digging for birds eggs in the volcano - Rabaul Papua New Guinea

Volcanic Eruption In Tavurvur Volcano, Rabaul, New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea