Kayaking at the Stockbridge Bowl

Desk in Herman Melville's house

Moody Morning

i'll taste the sky & feel alive

The Gardens at The Mouth

A Taste of the Gilded Age

Dreamaway Lodge

The Elegance of the The Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum

The Creepy Halls of the Ventfort Hall

Back Stairs

my favorite view

Ventfort Hall Front

Red Room

Two Waxwings

Savannah Sparrow 03

Shaker Stone Barn

Looking Down on the Stockbridge Bowl

Chew on this...

Atmospheric Silhouette

Four Selfies

It's Come Undone

Kinderhook Creek

Audubon Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

Taconic Mountains Panorama

The Stockbridge Bowl

God's Glory

Brilliant sunset over Lake Laurel, Lee, MA

Frost and Light

Stonover Farm

day three (but this is from day one) #clevelandbound

Hand Hollow Conservation Area

A view of Meizinger Lake

Kripalu Sunrise: #3

Down The Road @Naumkeag

The Stillness of Winter in the Berkshires...

Upstate Sunset

Double Rainbow