2560 x 1600 Citabria _DSC1926

1920 x 1080 Citabria _DSC1926

1280 x 1024 Citabria _DSC1926

1024 x 768 Citabria _DSC1926

View from top floor, 4th floor cottage balcony, st Colomban, Québec

2560x1600 16-10 Printemps-Spring, Lac Crooks Lake, Lachute, Qc

1920x1080 Printemps-Spring, Lac Crooks Lake, Lachute, Qc

1024x768 (4/3) Printemps-Spring, Lac Crooks Lake, Lachute, Qc

1280x1024 Printemps-Spring, Lac Crooks Lake, Lachute, Qc

Back of house spring 06

pl29juil11christchurch2 copy

Saint-Julien Church From Front

Saint-Julien Church From Rear

Avionics DSC_4765 copie

Our Road

Vew to the North

View to the East2

View to the East3

Lake Caroline closer to shore

Snow in trees

Lake Solar

L'avion - The plane - Explored

Lycoperdon utriforme / Vesse-de-loup en outre

Chute du Foyer

Chute du Foyer

Club de golf Sélect, 1995 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Route 158 Mirabel, Qc DSC_1306m

La nature en pose longue - Nature long exposure photography

La nature en pose longue - Nature long exposure photography

La nature en pose longue

La nature en pose longue - Nature long exposure photography

Ruisseau affluent de la Rivière-du-Nord, Mirabel, Québec

La nature en pose longue - Nature long exposure photography



La nature en pose longue - Nature long exposure photography

Rangs - Rows

La nature en pose longue - Nature long exposure photography


Les grands pins

À l'aube / At dawn

je me souviens de ce ciel...
