
Abandoned Sunoco Station, Lacota, Michigan

Down in dogpatch (IMGP1315h)

Fennville's Twin Towers

Breedsville Dam

Pruned and ready for spring (IMGP1342h)

Pruned and ready for spring (IMGP1339h)

Lake View

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle

Greater White-fronted Geese

Trumpeter Swan

Northrn Shrike

Tundra Swan

instant karma

We saw a few sunflowers today....

Palus III

West of Grand Junction

august2008 040

Field of sunflowers in Allegan County

#GoodMorning #NoFilter #PureMichigan

A tale of two cultures

Michigan Apples

Field of sunflowers in Allegan County

Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum)

august2008 130a

august2008 110a

august2008 031a

august2008 088a

august2008 078a

Beach and Sky 3

Mind the rocks

Field of sunflowers in Allegan County

august2008 038a

Binder Park Zoo