the sky broke like an egg

Mango Skies - Hapuna Beach, Big Island, Hawaii

Hawaii : Anaehoomalu Bay

Hapuna Light #1 - Hapuna Beach, Big Island, Hawaii

Infrared View From Mauna Kea Hotel

Twilight at Kalahuipua'a

The View from Paradise (CPA Silver Medalist) (First Place Winner - FlickrDuel)

Private Paradise

Waikoloa Beach Marriott

My view for the week.

why buddha?

Sunset at the Grill

Flying in a Blue Dream

Thirsty Young Monk

Waikoloa Moonrise

Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Pu'ukohola Heiau ruins near Kawaihae - 080830

Green & Blue

Ocean view from the highway

Sunset Panorama

Basking With Sea Turtles

Sunset at Mauna Kea

Horizonte - Big Island - Hawaii

Moonlit Palm Trees in Hawaii

On The Flanks

Sunset at the Fish Ponds

Shoreline trail to Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel

See Bill Adams Nekkid!

Ocean Surf on Lava 001

A-Bay Sunset

black sand beach

[ ☠ ]

Another day ended.

Hawaiian Sunsets...

Admittedly, living in Hawaii isn't terrible.

Sugar Never Tasted So Good