Riding the Rails

Two Forty Eight

Hot Seat

Thinking Inside The Box

Hot Windows

The 1010

Silo Pseudo-Symmetry

Towering Water

How High The Moon

Haltom Bridal #66

The Dark Rail

Morning Sky After The Storm

1 o'clock rail

Old Cotton Mill - McKinney, TX

I wield a ton of rage

The Old Fairview Water Tower

Rails Rusted.

Solar Sails

Blue Tin Roof

Morning Sky After The Storm (Detail)

Red Window

Sunset in Allen, TX

Sister Grove Park

"Lakeside." #adventure #countryside #ebonsoulphotos #lakelavon #landscape #nature #travel #tx

"In The Thick Of It." #adventure #countryside #ebonsoulphotos #landscape #marsh #nature #rural #travel #tx

Lake Lavon

Strengh In Number


Fog on the Lake

Sister Grove Park

The Topography of Hope

A Foggy Morning in Allen

The Most Yellow Little House in Texas


Auntie's Corner

Fog in the Trees

Sunset in Allen, TX

Shades of Chairs


Crescent moon over Celebration Park. Allen, TX

I will be back when things are blooming, it is just right down the road, today it was windy and a somewhat chilly 48 F.Some thing are starting to bloom

Sunset in Allen, TX