Magic Autumn Morning

East of Dillingham

Rocking Chair

Mt. Mitchell Fog

Over the Blacks Range

Arrival of Fall

Mountains Calling

So. This isn't a bad view for my back yard. #notcomplaining #waittillwinter

Western North Carolina Mountain View

White Oak Creek

Falls on Whiteoak Creek

A mountain view

White Oak Creek Falls

Nearly Engulfed

From Mount Mitchell

Red Barn with Tree

Locust Knob - Mountain to Sea Trail

Check out the#beautiful#view in the#mirror

View West from Deep Gap Trail

Dark and Misty

Solo Creek

The Cure

The light fades so quickly here at the farm in the winter. Soft light through bare trees, and peace. #nature #appalachia #riversongmountainsanctuary #wildkatuahhealingarts

Clingman's Peak from Mount Mitchell

Appalachian Mountains

Fog, Grey, Mist--

Liz at the River

Haw Branch Barns


Hanging with the Clouds

Balsam Nature Trail, Mt. Mitchell State Park, North Carolina

Yesterday's Barn

From the summit of Mt. Mitchell

Mt. Mitchell Fog

Wide Water

All's Well

On Mt. Mitchell's summit

blue ridge valley

Spring Rain