Wasp mimic--lateral view

Wing-waving HFDF

Busy Bee!

Snowberry Clearwing Moth - Hemaris diffinis

Snowy egret, Egretta thula

For Francine 2

Leaf beetle

Green and brown


Monday Blue's

The Boathouse

Sinea spinipes

Under the Bridge (Sunrise Edition)

Reflecting on Autumn

Seeing Eye to Eye

Dig those mouthparts

Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) Female?

Spicebush Swallowtail - - Papilio troilus

Busy Bee

Robber fly on guy...

"He made the stars also."

it's your love

Peaceful evening

My Corner of the Forest

Nature's Stripes

Thursdays sunset

I enjoy watching others enjoy the free gifts of life

Morning Mist

Nature's Color Palette

The greening season

Last Hurrah 2014

Traces Of Nothingness

Morning View

Summer festival

Dawn to Dusk

Sunsets into 2015

Veterinary Medicine

Autumn's Enchanted Forest

:: subdued ::

#lost in a #landscape of #light and #lines.

Lake Reflection 1 (25JUN13)

Yates Mill Pond-4274