Arkader -|- Archs

Utsikt fra Akvariet i Bergen

Bergen Blues

The other direction

Bergen Blues

Slippen -|- Slipway house

Wild Scandinavia

Norway - in the mountains above Bergen

Askøy HDR

Room with a view


Night view on the Tall Ships

Bergen mai -12-021

Love thy neighbour...

Bergen - 9. Örangen ????

Lightning strikes

View on the city of Bergen, Norway

Sunset Bergen - Church spire and crane

Snow in Bergen

This could be the last one

Standing Tall

Bergen 04 March 2015-0003.jpg

House on the Hill

The Silence of Norway

Foggy treetops [Explored]

Blue Hour

Fløyfjellet Bergen

Bergen Norway-12.jpg

Day 279/366: The Royal Residence

Face à la mer

sailing towards immensity

Weaving a thread round your heart and your soul...

View from Løvstakken Bergen

Juledag på Løvstakken

21 May 2012 30.jpg

Bergen from the top

Bergen - 13. The Moneyshot

Rising to the challenge!

The Island

Enchanted Forest

The creek