Lighted pastures to sunset

Lighted pastures

Lighted pastures to sunset

Lighted pastures

Lighted pastures

Lighted pastures to sunset

Peaceful location

Angra do Heroismo - view from S. Sebastian castle

View from Serra do Cume

Terceira Landscape - View on Angra do Heroísmo

View from the depths... #Volcano #azores

Bring on the Super Bock

Harbour view from Facho Heights

Terceira Landscape near Praia da Vitória viewing Serra do Cume

MS Expedition moored at Angra do Heroismo

So many #jellyfish. An underwater view with my zoom pushed to the limit #Fijifilm #XP #Terceira #theAzores

Praia da Vitoria

Rua da Misericordia

Interior da Ilha Terceira - Portugal

Ilha Terceira, Açores

Ilha Terceira, Açores

Paisagem Rústica | Terceira, Açores