Arecibo Lighthouse

Cueva Clara Entrance [interior view; 2990]

Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Beautiful view brought to you by Puerto Rico. While on my vacation.

Arecibo, PR

Arecibo, Puerto Rico

First view of the cave

Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Yesterday's brunch view.

The view from my house

Window view

Arecibo from Islote

IMG_2052 (2)1

A View Worth Climbing For

To Down Below

My #office view. #karst #puertorico #geology #fieldwork #phd #student #grass #cows

This was our brunch view.

The Ocean



Sunset in Hatillo, Puerto Rico

Sardinera, Hatillo

A small wave and a faint sunset

la vuelta puerto rico

Faro Arecibo P.R.

Arecibo, PR

Arecibo, PR

"Y el Cielo Conocerá la Verdad"

Arecibo Lighthouse

Sardinera II


PR Jul 2011 471

Cueva Clara: Bat Cave [3551]

PR Jul 2011 470

Arecibo, PR

PR Jul 2011 206