NS 8767

CP 9134 with SOO 6044 trailing in South Haven, MN

The Aerie

Hammock morning view

Running longhood forward on the Paynesville Sub east of Kimball, MN

One of the best around - Zach Femrite

Cold Spring city rinks

Our home field from the batter's box

CP 9812 in South Haven, MN, on 12/22/2009

Dirt level view from home plate, 348 ft to the right field wall

From the press box at Cold Spring Baseball Park

Field level view of Cold Spring Baseball Park

Cold Spring city rinks


Weekly Photo Challenge - Windows

Camera Roll-1

Blue Moon Over Clear Lake

iPhone Photo Dump

Reflection in the Morning

Cold Spring Baseball Field

Central Minnesota Landscape (Meeker County, Minnesota)

Weekly Photo Challenge - Things that makes you go Hmmmm

Growing Up in America

#Snowboarding #Kimball #Minnesota SkiResort #Snow #NewYearsEve

Rainbow over the fields after the storm

Weekly Photo Challenge - Curves

Stearns County dawn

Summer wildflowers

Martin Schmitt Memorial Park, Marty MN, home of the Pearl Lake Lakers

Wild plant flower

Wish the lake looked like his today! :(

Weekly Photo Challenge - Signs