28 Weeks Pregnant | The World, from Kat's Perspective

Yellow-breasted Chat

Chillicothe Street, Portsmouth, Ohio

Portsmouth, Ohio Icehouse

Chillicothe Street, Portsmouth, Ohio

Chillicothe Street, Portsmouth, Ohio

Boy Scout Camp Oyo

Shawnee State Park Ohio

Shawnee State Park Ohio

Shawnee State Park - Turkey Creek Lake Boat Ramp

Portsmouth Ohio Bridge

Portsmouth and the Ohio River

Clyde W. Clark Planetarium Inside

Shawnee State Park Ohio

Grey Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), dorsal view, Shawnee SP, OH PFN

Church Clock

Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler

Scioto County OH Courthouse IMG_2165 Law Library VIEW

Yellow-breasted Chat

Ohio River Valley — Portsmouth, Ohio

Turkey Creek Lake in Shawnee State Park, Ohio

Shawnee State Park Lake and Jupiter at Night

Carl D. Perkins Bridge

Boy Scout Camp Oyo

Boy Scout Camp Oyo

Roosevelt Lake 3 - Shawnee State Park - Ohio

Turkey Creek Lake

Grant Bridge 2

Kentucky Hills

Roosevelt Lake 2 - Shawnee State Park - Ohio

Carl Perkins Bridge III

Portsmouth Ohio Suspension Bridge

Roosevelt Lake 4 - Shawnee State Park - Ohio

Portsmouth, Ohio

Portsmouth, Ohio

Orion at Oyo

Roosevelt Lake 1 - Shawnee State Park - Ohio

Ohio River Sunset