Sinong expert sa IG? Kaka update ko lang ng app na toh. Still cant view this promt. Ambot ani

Overlooking view at Mt. Matutum and pineapple field. Mt. Matutum is a non-active volcano here in North of #Gensan. . . #jenelgoestogensan #jenelgoestopolomok #southcotabato #polomolok #pineapplefarm #pineapplefields #pineappleplantation #view #scenery #mo

On the road to Sarangani. Good morning!

A sea of pineapple at Dole Philippines

#suites88 #jenelgoestogensan #latepost

My gensan travel buddy . . #jenelgoestogensan #wheningensan #latepost #generalsantoscity #gensan #jump #suites88 #venue88 #travel

naa koy nahalungkat sa kaban, naa pa ang sudlanan og cover pero ang cartridge nawagtang nah haha ???? #grungedays #nirvana #nevermind

With Mum at the bakers

Lunch time - Chickfeed merchant

Pawnshop guard

Pawnshop and Guard

Fruit stall and cashier

Mendicant family

Schoolgirl walks through a busy street market alone

This is before the wedding! Maximizing the time to capture moments in this beautiful place. . . #jenelgoestogensan #suites88 #venue88 #chrisvyroadtoforever #wheningensan

Welcome to my farm here in #Polomolok. Where #Dole have its largest plantation in the #Philippines. Haha joke lang bes, farm ito ng tita ko. . . #farm #pineapplefarm #pineappleplantation #thankGodforthem #thankGod #feelingexcited #generalsantoscity #gens

15 hectares of pineapple plantation. Grabe ang farm nila Tita ang lawak. Kasama pa konting part nung bundok. By the way, this lot is for sale. ???? . . #jenelgoestogensan #jenelgoestopolomok #dole #filipino #Philippines #dolefil #dolephilippines #farm

Cute! Yellow bus and yellow tricycle. ???? . . #yellowbus #yellowtricycle #jenelgoestopolomok #jenelgoestogensan #thankGod #thankgodforthem #feelingexcited #inlaws #family #gensan #generalsantoscity #bus #tricycle #Philippines #filipino

More pics fro the #groomsmen. . . #chrisvyroadtoforever #latepost #mood #suites88 #venue88 #uniform #pose #jenelgoestogensan #gensan #generalsantoscity #wedding

Nice lighting. . . #suites88 #venue88 #generalsantoscity #chrisvyroadtoforever #jenelgoestogensan #gensan #wheningensan #latepost #lastnight

The lovely #Suites88 . . #venue88 #chrisvyroadtoforever #wheningensan #wall #beauty #design #lovelyplace #jenelgoestogensan #gensan #generalsantoscity #modern #walldesign

““Havenʼt you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?” Matthew 19:4-5 NIV

At the venue now! . . #wedding #chrisvyroadtoforever #GlorytoGod #boundbyGod #oneflesh #manandwoman #childodGod #childrenofGod #jenelgoestogensan #feelingexcited #suites88 #venue88

The wedding is about to start and we are all #excited! Congratulations Chris and Ivy. ????☺️???????? . . #chrisvyroadtoforever #boundbyGod #GlorytoGod #oneflesh #manandwoman #love #wedding #mrandmrssantos #wheningensan #jene