Entry Way.

:: for me ::


The Golden Path.

House On The Hill 2 (Historic Occoquan 8) - #131

Battle of First Manassas

The Henry House and Bull Run Monument

Historic Henry House Manassas National Battlefield

Battlefield Sunset

Crepuscular Ray Tree

The Lonely Tree


Sticking out tongue ...

Misty Field.

Trees In The Mist I

Aerial view of Bull Run Manassas VA

Another view of the #B17G Aluminum Overcast...

Fall Colors of the Shenandoah and Blue Ridge Mountains viewed from Centreville VA

Rows of Rivets

Former SuperFresh Futurestore - Manassas, VA

The battlefield from Buck Hill

House on a Hill

"The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies." -Laura Ingalls Wilder #bluronpurpose #lensbaby #seeinanewway #manassasnationalbattlefield #manassas #virginia

The Henry House - Manassas Battlefield

The Old Tree

Eerie Glow

Groveton Landscape

Centreville, VA

down the road i go

Day 59 - Quantico Creek, Prince William Forest Park, Triangle, Virginia

Sunset at Fountian Head Park

Manassas Battlefield Sunrise

Solitary Tree


Burke Lake

Burke Lake

Centreville VA

The Last Days of Summer