Fishing at Sunset - Hudson FL (Gulf of Mexico)

Sandhill Clubtail (male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

On the Swing

Sandhill Clubtail (male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Taking in the view

Mom and Daughter

Atrium view @ Gaylord Palms

Band-winged Dragonlet (male)- Veteran's Memorial Park

Metallic Pennant (female)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Banded Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha fasciatus)- Veteran's Memorial Park

Unlikely Partners- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve (Scoliid wasp and Odontocornyus sp weevil)

I have been to the top..

I have been to the top..

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

Osprey- Hudson Beach

I have been to the top..

Red-veined Pennant (immature male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Nice View of the battle

Hernando Beach, FL

before the rain...

Brown Pelican, Hudson Beach

Daily gift

Florida Grove


Florida Walkabout




Florida Walkabout

confederate troops

riding into the sunset

Signal Cove Canals, Hudson, FL

A walk on the flats, Pine Island

Gulf Shores

Today's walkabout

Today's walkabout

Florida Walkabout

Nature Coast

Lazy Chair Hair Cuts

Florida Walkabout