'Traffic Report'

Off Again!

Yellow and Black

Summer Glimpse

"Gitty Up & Go!" or "Yippeekaiyaaay!"

The Vegas Sensation

Frenchman Mountain Morning Reflection

Frenchman Mountain Morning Reflection II

Fly By

American Avocet

Crissal Thrasher

Crissal Thrasher

American Avocet

Spider Avocet

Greater Roadrunner

Sunrise in Las Vegas

Gambel's Quail

Vegas at Night

Marsh Wren

Black-Necked Stilt

Desert Sunrise

It is What it is ;)

0501 DSC03217x

Monsoonal Radiance

Too Close

Stratosphere At Dusk. Las Vegas can be unusually beautiful sometimes.

The Gap

The Las Vegas Strip Panorama

Fremont Street

Sunset over Vegas

0512 IMG_8921

Las Vegas

1015 IMG_5515

Shine On

0811 DSC08644x

Don't Let Me Die In Vain

Neapolitan Double Arch