Old Stone

Moon in Blackness

View From the 4th Floor

Think She's on to Us?

Adirondacks with a view, Tower Hill

Gillie likes it in the tree

Wachusett Dam

Open House, World War II re-enactment, and auto & airplane museum at Collings Foundation, Stow MA

Midnight Moon

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) feeding

Delaney in HDR

Dew Drop- Black Eyed Susan

Asiatic Lily

... a Confuse sunrise ...

My House, Wachusett View, after the 20+ inches of snow

View From Balcony At Noon (Marlborough, Massachusetts)

Icicles (Marlborough, Massachusetts)

View from the office another snow day and I Luv it...Happy Tuesday!!!!!

At the south summit view

Dark and foggy day at gates pond. I was ready for a pirate ship to slowly float into view out of the fog #Pirateship #ghostship

Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) male dorsal view

fall scene

Idyllic: Good Morning Green Hill Pond

Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) banded - Federal Band 0974-107 on left leg; "HN" on right leg

frozen sunrise

Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) feathering

Spring day

Follow me on instagram @gabrielap93

Rocks and Trees

Nashoba Orchard

A Flutter

Running high this morning!

Good morning iger pals!

Dry Corn Field

Snow Returns

Sunset @ #SunsetRidge in #Bolton

New England Autumn

Somewhere Only We Know

july stuff-29

#augustdogdays day 29 #favoritephoto Norwood on top of the world!

On the Course