River views house

River views campground

Mount Rogers

view from park at fries

New River, Fries Va, Grayson County

Grayson County Courthouse (New)

RAD20130320.11 New River

RAD20130320.07 Grayson Highlands

RAD20130320.10 New River

RAD2013.03.20.12 New River

Powerhouse Falls

Bubba's Pampered Pedlers Camp

Rugby VA Nov 2011 (46)

rolling hills and fragrant meadows

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New River, Fries Va, Grayson County

New River, Fries Va, Grayson County

Old Stratford Academy,Second Elk Creek Academy, Alleghany County

The New River at Fries Virginia

Entering North Carolina (Alleghany County, North Carolina)

Fries Dam

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