Singing Yellowthroat

Momiji's Autumn Dress

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

Willow Flycatcher

Buzzing Bee

Winter Fields

tropical barklouse (Stimulopalpus japonicus)


Frozen Crossing

Goldcap Moss-eater Moth (Epimartyria auricrinella)

Red-tailed Hawk

Trenton makes..the world takes

R3 Train from Philadelphia to West Trenton

thick-headed fly (Physocephala tibialis)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus)

braconid wasp (Subfamily: Cheloninae)

thick-headed fly (Physocephala tibialis)

Autumn in Blood Red ~

On A Knife's Edge

Dashing Blue Dragon

the Autumn Land and Sky


Sunset at lake Luxembourg

Godspeed! - Бог в помощь

TSP Sunset

Washington's Crossing

Simplicity - Простота

At the mercy of winds

Neshaminy Creek

Up in fog - В туман

sun goin' down on me...

Facts Proven Wrong

Spring blooming is fast approaching

Fall Foliage in Tyler State Park

Slowly into the Woods b/w

dandelions don't tell no lies

Core Creek in PA

Lost reflections

Silence Before the Storm