Born of Spring

Firebox Boiler

Shaker Stone Barn

Moody Morning

Shaker Stone Barn 3

Meditation Hall Exterior 1 2010-07-10

Cat Cave

It's Come Undone

Dreamaway Lodge

So many faces, so little time

i'll taste the sky & feel alive

Cat TV

A view of our #FoliageCovered #HikingTrail through #Massacheusetts' #OctoberMountainStateForest over the #ThanksgivingWeekend trip of 2015. The #forestfloor was practically #adorned by the #Fall #foliage, giving the place a spectacular beauty.

A view down the #hill from our #HikingTrail. I liked this view through the #trees in the #damp, the #mist, as we stood #midway up the little #mountain. #ThanksgivingWeekendTrip2015

Farm Road

Blue Angel

View Southeast From the Veranda, The Mount, Lenox, Massachusetts

View west from Berry Hill

Fall Color - Eastern New York

Keeper of the shoes

NIK_5724 - Eclipse Day

In the Berkshires for the Winter

Upstate Sunset

Up Close from a Distance

Some #Fungus #Fungi grow on #trees. #LoveTrees #DeadTrees #FallenTrees #FallenLogs #ForestFloor #Forest #FallFoliage #FallenLeaves #Autumn #CarpetOfFallenFoliage #CarpetOfFallenLeaves #OctoberMountainStateForest #Massacheusetts #MassacheusettsParks #Sta

The Shepherd's Flock

Painting With Light

We made it

#OctoberMountainStateForest #Massacheusetts #November #NovemberRain #Forest #Trees #Autumn #FallFoliage #Fall #MassacheusettsParks #StateForest #RecreationPreserve


Berkshire Reflections

Lenox Sunset

Kripalu (1)


day three (but this is from day one) #clevelandbound

grass mowed before the storm
