Toward Shackleford Banks

Colors in the Snow

Dock House Restaurant

Proposed Harkers Island Bridge Replacement

US Army Landing Craft LCM 8524 starboard view

Proposed Harkers Island Bridge Replacement

The Beach

0786 Beaufort Img_18940

View from west counterscarp gallery

Shore View

Happy Fence Friday

Fort Macon

Wild Horses!


Floating Free

Trinity-Anns Reflection

0772 Commissary storeroom Img_18822

They got the land but we've got the view #nofilter #later gram #sunset

View from Back of Sanitary Fish Market

Maimed Stairs


Beaufort Blue

My granddaughter Jacy took this photo at Hancock Landing late this afternoon 22/Nov/206

Sweet corn production at Open Grounds Farm in eastern North Carolina (3)

Small Grain Germination in Eastern North Carolina at Open Grounds Farm (4)

Snapbean production at Open Grounds Farm in the blacklands of North Carolina (18)

Laser leveling fields to improve surface drainage (1)

Small Grain Germination in Eastern North Carolina at Open Grounds Farm (2)

Beaufort From Across The Creek

Small Grain Germination in Eastern North Carolina at Open Grounds Farm (3)

Boardwalk to... (explored 08.29.11)

January beach

Intercoastal - POTD #125

DON'T YOU GET JUST PLAIN FED UP [pardon the cheap pun]...

Waves in the Sand

Beaufort, NC

Weekend with Ava - July 2nd (8 of 44)

Going, going, gone. #sunset over #moreheadcity

Weekend with Ava - July 2nd (4 of 44)

Weekend with Ava - July 2nd (10 of 44)

I hope we continue to preserve and protect our places of wild peace, serenity, and beauty- if only to remind us that it is possible to have freedom without struggle.