Our Island Getaway - Cumberland Island, GA

step into the light

cat's meow campsite

the last to know

T.R. Williams - Mixed Fabrics Court, Great Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 1851


Fox Sparrow (Red)

Louis-Jules Duboscq - Glass Stereoview Label, ca 1853

snake - water moccassin (poisonous) OR eastern hognose (not poisonous)

Claude-Marie Ferrier - Cottage, Hameau de la Reine, Versailes, 1852-54

T.R. Williams - Mixed Fabrics Court, Great Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 1851

St. Marys, Georgia

Black Scoter. Cumberland Island, Camden County, 16 December 2012. Photo by Bob Sattelmeyer

Cumberland River, Brickhill River, and Cumberland Island, Georgia



Day 1, Cumberland Island

Day 1, Cumberland Island

We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind

Day 1, Cumberland Island

Fox Sparrow (Red)

Last northbound run across the Marshes

Cumberland Sunset, Cumberland Island, Georgia

Cumberland Island Maritime Forest, Cumberland Island, Georgia

Cumberland Sunrise, Cumberland Island, Georgia

A Good Sunday

Florida from Georgia

Tree of Life

St Mary's Steam Express

Forest Path

Salt Marsh

465) St Marys GA, Cumberland Island - Coleman Avenue - tree canopy leading to Grand Avenue [408]

Salt Life

Enchanted Forest

Sea Camp Beach

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St Mary's GA 2016

Gonatista grisea (female), Plum Orchard, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Camden County, Georgia 2

Sea Camp Beach