Gold for All.

Frozen Crossing

Chipping Sparrow

Colorful Block

Change is Constant

Shortie on the Wing


Head-on Harrier

Farm House

R3 Train from Philadelphia to West Trenton

Mill Hill lamp post

Confrontational Vulnerability

Red-banded Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)

New Hope, Pennsylvania

American Ermine Moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella)

Ghost of the Grasslands

Cruising Altitude

Cruising Low... and Cruising Large

Field Sparrow

Chancellor Green Library

Approaching Storm


Simplicity - Простота

Godspeed! - Бог в помощь

At the mercy of winds

Washington's Crossing

Little Touch.

Sunset at lake Luxembourg

The Dissolution

From Bowmans Tower

Silence Before the Storm

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Reflections in the River

Keep The Peace.

Yardley Sunset III

Delaware river

"The View"

In continuation of lines - B продолжении линий

Winter Farm

Field with trees

A lot of volume after autumn storms during the previous night