Seeing Eye to Eye

Under the Bridge (Sunrise Edition)

Busy Bee!

Magically Incandescent

After the Firefight 4


Fall Juvenile Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Monday Blue's

Morning Thunder 1

Crime Scene: The End

Reflecting on Autumn

Autumn Perspective

Yates Mill 2014

The Boathouse

Spicebush Swallowtail - - Papilio troilus

Marbled Orbweaver 4

Viewing Nature's Art

Flutterby Friday

Yates Mill

Upside down Swallowtail

it's your love

"Too Much Work!" Panorama

Thursdays sunset

Black and White Trees

To Reflect

The greening season

Lake Reflection 1 (25JUN13)

Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) Female?

Reedy Creek Lake

Beautiful armageddon

Sunrise 140526

The lake on a calm Spring morn

Mother Ship - Cary, NC

#lost in a #landscape of #light and #lines.

Yates Mill Pond-4274

Veterinary Medicine

I enjoy watching others enjoy the free gifts of life

Peaceful evening