Sitting at the Gulf of Mexico...

Gulfport Harbor, MS

Fourteenth Street Looking East - Gulfport, Mississippi

Cat Island, MS

Yesterday's Destruction is Today's Beauty

Bay Boudreau & West Karako Bay

iPM7 87/365: The Gulf of Mexico

Damaged house -- Katrina

GTO Distortion

Rear View Mirror

Gulfport, Mississippi

Oak View Ave, Long Beach, MS - after

Rocking Chair

The Brand with the 3 Stripes

May 2007 DevID

Brick Buildings, Gulfport, Mississippi

First Presbyterian Church, Gulfport, Mississippi

Multiple Reflections

Gulfport Beach(9cpn)

All These Classics in the Parking Lot of My Motel? Are You Kidding Me?!

Behind the Church, Gulfport, Mississippi

Gulfport West Beach

Dawn at Longbeach Harbor

Good Morning Sunshine

Sunrise through Decaying Fishing Pier

Gulfport Sunset

Pelican Silhouette

5th of July

Liam Mapping the legs in the water :)

Liam Mapping the legs in the water :)

Herd of cattle, near Biloxi, MS

Rain is in the air

After Hurricane Katrina 9.17.05

Polluted Water in Gulfport, Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina

Mississippi Sound HDR

Friendship Oak