Making my way to Michigan City

Been There, Dune That

Aurora Borealis over Lake Michigan

I am the wave

CSS&SB Michigan City, Indiana Station

Crimson Chrysanthemums

Indiana Dunes - Nature's Loveliness

Lake Michigan sunset, as optimized for Flickr viewing

Guardian of the Ice

South Shore Line at Michigan City 7

Overgrowth versus soil erosion - instax

Beacon of Light

Road to Power

Alien Probe

Rear View Mirror

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Explore)

Water World

Snowy Owl

CP 8760, NS 7691, NS 8843 - 9/19/2014

Beached Boats

Chicago From the Treetops

The Lighthouse ...

Lake Michigan sunset on the Indiana side.

Weather front

Fun Guy Trio

Green Forest Spring.jpg

This is not the Arctic Ocean!

70 KB of Lake Michigan

Sand Dunes of Indiana

Sunset Beauty

Sunset Beauty

Along the Beach (Explore)

Sunset Beauty

On the Edge of Eternity

Kintzel Ditch at Lake Michigan


Sunset at Michigan City, Indiana East Pierhead Lighthouse (1904)

2011-08_MICH 139-37