miles and miles

01 Front view

02 Rear view

Sagebrush steppe (post- and pre-fire) above Mountain Home

Mountain Home burned sagebrush steppe

Mountain Home burned sagebrush steppe

Mountain Home burned sagebrush steppe

Mountain Home sagebrush steppe

Snake River Plain from Immigrant Road

US-20 West - Distance Marker

Happy Thanksgiving ! Had a good Black Friday, rushing around to get good deals for our new house. Painful for the wallet but blissful to the soul :)

Keeping them alive under the intense heat.

From hotel in mountain home. I rode about 330 miles yesterday and roughly the same today.

Leaving mountain home...today is going to be a trek across vast empty scrub, as it turns out!

US-20 West - Tollgate

Immigrant Road

My first week here had passed. Got to know about my new role here and it was indeed challenging. Challenges that i will faced and embraced readily :) Motivated at the highest level.

A great week ahead, at a brand new environment :)

way out