― Ode to Wine

_ DIfferentiaL Propagation and InterseCting Stories!

― Piercing Quiet - Explore 20/10/2010 #67

_ "Patio de Los Reyes"

― Recursive expressionism

― RhombuS

_ The RaiseD eYe

― Shades of Grey

― deepening Red

Melbourne from Williamstown


Queen City of the Golden South

_TO A POINT ~ Centripetal forces ~

unwind in the view

_ Akabah ~ the forT-ress

_sTRUCtural constellation

― Going against nature

_ the BaR ... conteXtual conFrontation


― Scheduled meetings

_Lost Language...or Day Blindness

sun worn

pier - port Melbourne

On a clear day.............

Melbourne Skyline

Fed Square Poppies 2015-04-24 (_MG_0368)

Melbourne Skyline at sunset - HDR

Autumn 2 in Melbourne

Generic Melbourne Photo

Into The Night

Sunset at beach- Brighton 11092013

St Kilda Beach

Skyline seen from King Street Bridge @ Night, Melbourne, Australia

The Jetty

Golden Afternoon

Sand ripples sunset reflection

Witchety Woods!

Melbourne on a windy day

Melbourne skyline from St. Kilda

Station Pier 2014-03-15 (IMG_0715-21)

rocks in sunset

rock in sea - hampton