Image from page 221 of "Records of big game with their distribution, characteristics, dimensions, weights, and horn & tusk measurements" (1914)

Mothers cooking

View of Pibor town/river from COOPI

View of COOPI camp from Pibor town

View from COOPI of the Pibor river

Image from page 229 of "The physiography of the river Nile and is basin" (1906)

Pibor, South Sudan

Pibor, South Sudan

Murle community fetches water from the Nile River, in Pibor, South Sudan

EMERGENCY: Inter-ethnic violence in South Sudan

Ex-child Soldiers shared stories with Swedish Ambassador

Cattle Vaccination campaign, Marua Hills, South Sudan

Aid reaches Pibor town

Cattle Vaccination campaign, Marua Hills, South Sudan

Cattle Vaccination campaign, Marua Hills, South Sudan

life by the Pibor river

the town water source

Prized Dinka bull.

Traditional Murle homestead

Pibor river

Pibor river

life by the Pibor river

Dolmen del Pibor - Bohonal de Ibor - Caceres