Laos - Vang Vieng to Vientiane

Pond in paddies surrounded by forest

Kayaking on the Rapids - Vang Vieng, Laos


Wasp building its nest (1)

Wasp building its nest (2)

Wasp building its nest (4)

Wasp building its nest (3)

Wasp building its nest (5)

Phallus sp. (Phallaceae)

Pseudophyllus titan White, 1846 (Tettigoniidae)

Wasps' nest

Wasps' nest

Wasps' nest

Wasps' nest

Sycanus sp. (Reduviidae)

Aspidimorpha miliaris (Fabricius, 1775) (Chrysomelidae)

Eucorynus crassicornis (Fabricius, 1801) (Anthribidae)

Pochazia cf. triangularis (Ricaniidae)

Rice Harvest

Rice Harvest

Rice Harvest

Un transformer en un área de servicio. Laos

Trachelophorus sp. or Paracycnotrachelus sp. (Attelabidae)