Wolf's Lair

Bluebell spotlight

This will soon be my new view.

Jumping Spider, washed up from the storm.

Libellula croceipennis - Neon Skimmer Dragonfly, Brushy Creek, Round Rock, TX set 10-19-08

A Cross in the Sunday Sky

A goose is loose part 2...

B&O Hotel

Austin Sunrise

The view from my couch right now is pretty dreamlike. Lying in my groove one more time for a chilly nap. Goodbye big brown. Tagged you if you lived and napped on big brown. #endofanera #bulktrashday #bigbrowncouch

Praying Mantis, Round Rock, TX set 10-16-08

Joshua David Curtis

I see you! Green Dasher Dragonfly

Bee in my backyard, captured in Brushy Creek, Round Rock, Texas

Red raider closeup

Skyward Through Branches

a new view

The view from my new porch.

Sullen Saturday

Fishing Spider, Brushy Creek, Round Rock, TX set 10-19-08

Southern Bee Killer Robber Fly - Mallophora orcina, captured in Brushy Creek, Round Rock, Texas

Move towards the light

Happy Slider Sunday 10.21.12

There's a Tree on the Wall with Megan

Happy Fence Friday 12.10.12

Good morning Austin

Memory of tree

Brushy Creek

Texas Hill Country Clouds

Morning walk

Field of Wildflowers

Halo of Fire


Round Rock Farms

Texas Wildflowers

broad-striped forceptail

Morning Sun

About time to turn around #24milesin

sulphur-tipped clubtail

Toppled by the Summer Sun

forceptail with a wasp for lunch

Kickball #action @theillumiletty