Anderson Japanese Gardens: black falls

Eastbound Local

Rockford, IL on East Belt

IMRL Grain Train Detour

Rockford - Erlander Home Interior

Remnants of the Past

KD line repairs on the UP

Great View!

Back in the Day

just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in....

Weeping Willow Wonderland

BN 1608 North in Rockford, IL

Japanese Garden: orange

Albert Pick Motel - Rockford, Illinois

Rockford, IL Traffic Jam

Japanese Garden: window

Milwaukee Road 456 in Rockford, IL

A Different Rockford

Fog Your Night in Blue

Hard to see the movie screen when it's obscured by trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

The movie screen covered in trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

Rockford Illinois ~ Lafayette Hotel ~ HIstoric Building

Rockford Wisconsin - C J's Lounge - Closed

Rockford Illinois -Old Rustic Neon Sign - Parthenios Luncheonette

The Ways Of Water

Hot Sunday at Anderson Japanese Garden

Fathers Day Falls

Hard to see the movie screen when it's obscured by trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

Azumaya (Viewing House)

Rockford - Rock River

Necklessly upraised pincers, to call heavenly wrath down onto this landscaped plaza's planters of hairy grasses.

Zig-zag Bridge...Yatsu Hashi

iron wood rock river

Autumn moments

Red Umbrella

Park Creek

Rockford, IL December Boat Ride

Old Stone Bridge

Japanese Garden: fall

Beginners Mind