View to Forever

View to Forever

Enjoying the view .. ;-)

Picture 036

I been Spoted

Picture 037

Netherland Inn View

Taking a Drink

The Lake

Hey Man!

Sullivan County Courthouse (Portico view) - Blountville, TN

Picture 039

Front View

Bay Lake Dam

The Lake

Picture 034

Curious raccoon

Emeritus at Kingsport

Doing a dance

Doe Scratching on a Tree

Can you help me find my Nuts?

Bristol TN/VA April 2011



Holston River

Taking a walk down by the river early evening ..;-)

bays mountain lake

Appalachian Caverns-9174

Kingsport 133

Hiking down the mountain on Firetower Trail after the runners went by. Beautiful scenery, that's for sure!!

Appalachian Caverns-9167

CSX P901 @ Kingsport


Bristol TN/VA April 2011

orange rock and water

Holiday Inn - Kingsport, Tennessee

I spy with my little eye...

NS 79K heads west through some thick fog in the Appalachias


Bays Mountain Morning

The Jordan Spreader in Kingsport 7/11/18.

Grogan Park