View to the altar

The arcades of Abbey Zangberg - Bavaria, Germany

233662 - Mühldorf 11/09/14

21498, Muhldorf depot

Tussling Bike Path 8095

Tuessling station.

View of Tussling 7809

Tussling / Night Train MVI_7810

Tussling Parish Valley Church 7555

Tussling Farm 6713

Tussling Parish Valley Church 7554

View of Tussling 7552

Tussling Farm 7806

View of Tussling 7808

Tuessling station.

Tussling / Freight Train MVI_7807

Tussling Parish Valley Church 6677

View of Tussling 6711

Smiling Fact I

Tussling Parish Hilltop Church 6712

Tussling Parish Hilltop Church 7551

Roter Abendhimmel

Portrait of a Harris Hawk

Bei der Hunderunde "entdeckt"

Brauner Waldvogel

Horseback riding into the sunest (Nikon D810)

2x 232, Weidenbach, 20.06.2007

Boarding Poppy Island

Totholz in einer Aue

Am fließenden Bach

Schattenspiele am Baum. IMG_1067

Isen-Landschaft im Frühjahr

River Landscape

Fluss und Kirche

Am kleinen Wasserfall

Quellen an den Innleiten

Nature middle creek

Doppia simmetrica

Inntal Blick Richtung Mühldorf

Und ewig rauscht der Wildbach


#landscape #summer #niederbergkirchen #sky #cloud