lonely pylon - einsamer Mast

The Iron Giant

Find the single still working man - Finde den einzigen, der noch arbeitet

White horse

step in

Bluepool - first view when entering

Small Willow

Fixed asset

Nobody's waiting...

That tree

Seats for two

mr. leonard cohen

the dark (t)ones 2011 #05


My way

Local Rheindahlen Landscape



Weir in Rurdorf

Sunrise ...

Day 41

fall alley

childHoOd Fears Revisited

Nationaal Park De Meinweg - NL-

Opencast Pit Garzweiler

favorite site

DSC01817 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01816 Windradpark in NRW

National Park "Meinweg"

DSC01812 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01809 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01792 Windräder in NRW

DSC01813 Windradpark in NRW

soft focus

Im Mai

An der Schwalm (in explore 2016-01-10)

DSC01808 Windrad und Braunkohlekraftwerk in NRW

DSC01789 Windräder in NRW

DSC01811 Windradpark in NRW

Bald geht es wieder los.

DSC01779 Windradpark in NRW