Are We There Yet?

Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Wingate Inc., Amarillo, Texas

The Cadillac Ranch

Former Walmart

McDonald's on Coulter st before demolition

Amarillo's First Mcdonalds location (1990 store before demolition)

Sunset Insanity 2

Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Texas suburbia

Mexico Damnit

Cadillac Ranch - A Wider View

Bumper Crop

Cadillac Ranch and that Big Texas Sky

Cemetery Angel

Ta Da

Tall Tex

A Different View of the Cadillac Ranch

The Tagger

Road Trip: Cadillac Ranch

The Anvil and the Legs (panoramic)

Cadillac Ranch detail

coffee cup mug

Cadillac Ranch - Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

Cadillac Ranch

Route 66 Cadillac Ranch

Canyon - K 63

#aroundamarillo #pokemongo #mustloveclouds #storm

Cadillac Ranch

Cadillac landscape

The Lighthouse

Route 66, Amarillo, Texas.

Is That No or Yes?

Cadillac Ranch

Wind and Sand Storm in Texas

Cold Road


Cadillac Ranch

Cadillac Ranch


Spring Break 2018 - New Mexico

Caddy Highway