Staring out a plane window at a great sunset (explored)

Old City Cigar

The Knoxville Sunsphere!

Tennessee Theatre Interior

Environmental Hydrology Field Teaching Site, Knoxville, TN

Sunsphere View: Baker Federal Courthouse cupola

Thorne Rooms at KMA, Early American Kitchen (detail)

Thorne Rooms at KMA, Parlor

Thorne Rooms at KMA, Majorcan Kitchen (detail)

Thorne Rooms at KMA, Early American Kitchen (detail)

Orange Sulphur

Thorne Rooms at KMA, Early American Kitchen

Thorne Rooms at KMA, Majorcan Kitchen

Thorne Rooms at KMA, New England Bedroom

Secrets in the Valley

My view at the beautiful @bijoutheater for Robert Cray.

View of #ftloudonlake #knoxville in the #fall from a #kayak.

The Oarsman

Knox County, TN Courthouse - Knoxville, TN

Julie's Form (B) 12/52

Knoxville Panorama

Broken Time


Bit stormy

Louisville and Nashville Train Station, Knoxville, TN

Annabel 050913

Foliage at the Fountain City Duck pond 11/2/2014

Foliage at the Fountain City Duck pond 11/2/2014

Managed Bamboo

Country roads

Winter Sunrise at Cheneworth Gap

Beautiful day art Victor Ashe Park!

Lovely spot for Friday afternoon #happyhour

Sunset over UT

Douglas Lake - iPhone picture

Downtown Knoxville on July 4th


Beautiful River.

I will give my all for #Tennessee today.