Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary - Boloria selene

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus

Glastonbury View

Frosty Somerset Morning

Bearded Reedling ~ Panurus biarmicus

Ashton windmill sunset

Cheddar Gorge

Marbled White - Melanargia galathea

Ruins through the Arch

Cheddar Gorge

Glastonbury's Golden Hour

Fly - Sciomyzidae species

Hairy Shieldbug - Dolycoris baccarum

Great white egret ~ Ardea alba

Red Soldier Beetle - Rhagonycha fulva

Wells Cathedral Clock

Bluebell - Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Wells Cathedral

Orange Tip - Anthocaris cardamines

Hoverfly - Eristalis species

Long Jawed Spider - Tetragnatha extensa

Mirror Mirror

'Clouds Gather' (see description)

Wheat and Light

Glastonbury Tor

Wells Cathedral

Glastonbury Tor

Wells IR

Swans & Cygnet, Ham Wall

Vicar's Close

Mendip Hills Sunset

Time To Reflect

Vicars Close

The Misty Somerset Levels, from Deerleap.

Wells Cathedral

Cheddar Gorge

Tree and Blue Sky

Aint no lobos.